April 27, 2008

7 Quick Steps to Write An opinion Article

Opinion article which is written in mass media should have some characteristics:

  1. Be Actual: warm, the topic or the theme is popular among people.
  2. Systematic: just choose the proper data for supporting your problems. Write it chronologically.
  3. Significant : has an impact for people.
  4. Be original: has a new idea. The fresh one is required.
  5. Language : write it in the popular-scientific style, briefly, densely, easy reading, and easy for understanding.

Making an interesting opinion article is not too hard as you think. Just try these steps below:

  1. Choose the theme. Firstly, you must have to make a plan what you want to write about. Choose one single theme. It is up to you. You may write about the environment issue, politics, economy, or some other issues. But, it is better if you choose the theme that you master and understand well.
  2. Sharpen your theme. You have to concern with your theme. You need to tight your discussion become a specific one. For instant, you want to write educational issue, that is “The destiny of victim students of Yogya earthquake”. Or you need to write about “The controversial national examination”. Yeah, just choose a single angle of writing.
    After that, reconsider what you will write. Surely, in writing process you have to pay attention to the characteristics of the opinion article above. Are you still with me? Ok… we continue to the next step.
  3. Fishing the ideas. How to fish the ideas? There are many ways to solve this problem. And the easiest one is by bombarding the chosen theme with the questions as ammunitions. The questions may be what, when, where, why, who, how. I suggest you to write these questions in a piece of paper or just type them directly on your computer. You can add facts and theories related to your theme to support your opinion. In order to make your writing become a smooth article, just write all what you want to write. Make your words flow slowly and tenderly.
  4. Grouping the idea. Then, make your ideas, facts, or information in group. You may have four, five, or more group. This grouping is made based on the similar idea.
  5. Additional information. Do you need to add new information? Check it out. Consider whether you need new information for each group or not.
  6. Well organized. After that, you must consider well, which group that is suitable for opening, the best for content, and the most appropriate for closing one.
  7. Just write it. If you have made up an outline, you just need to write from the beginning to the ending point. Explore each single idea that you found. Grow it. Sharpen it. You need to keep the connection between your paragraphs. But you do not need to be stock-still on the outline. When the process of writing is in going and you need to add or reduce something, it is ok. You can make it. The most important thing is stay focus with the chosen angle.

And finally… let’s start writing.


April 23, 2008

7 Langkah Cepat Menulis Artikel

Artikel di media massa itu setidaknya harus:

  1. Aktual: hangat, sedang ramai diomongkan khalayak.
  2. Sistematis: runtut, pemilihan data dan masalah tepat,
  3. Signifikan: berefek terhadap pembaca
  4. Orisinal: ada ide segar
  5. Bahasa: ilmiah popular, ringkas, padat, enak dibaca, dan mudah dipahami.
Membuat artikel yang menarik tidak sulit. Langkah-langkah berikut bisa dicoba:
  1. Pilih Tema. Awalnya, tentu harus memiliki rencana artikel yang akan ditulis. Pilih satu tema. Bebas. Bisa tentang lingkungan, politik, ekonomi, atau yang lain. Lebih baik jika sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan yang dipahami.
  2. Sempitkan Tema. Kajilah tema yang sudah dipilih. Sempitkan pembahasan sehingga menjadi spesifik. Misalnya,berniat menulis bidang pendidikan. “Nasib pendidikan siswa korban gempa Yogya” dapat dijadikan pilihan. Juga bisa mengenai “Kontroversi Ujian Nasional”. Pilih angle (sudut pandang) penulisan. Pertimbangkan kembali yang akan ditulis. Tentunya, dengan mengacu ciri-ciri artikel di atas. Nah, jika oke, kita masuki deh tahap berikutnya.
  3. Mengail ide. Bagaimana mengail ide? Ada banyak cara. Cara paling mudah barangkali dengan membombardirtema yang sudah kita pilih dengan peluru-peluru pertanyaan (what, when, where, why, who,how). Agar tak mengawang-awang, tulislah. Bisa pada selembar kertas atau langsung pada layar komputer. Bisa juga ditambahkan fakta dan teori-teori. Tulislah semuanya terlebih dahulu.Biarkan mengalir.
  4. Kelompokkan. Kemudian, kelompokkan ide-ide, fakta, atau informasi yang sudah diperoleh ke dalam empat atau lima kelompok, atau lebih. Pengelompokkannya berdasarkan kesamaan tiap ide.
  5. Informasi Tambahan. Setelah mengelompok, ceklah. Pertimbangkan apakah diperlukan ide atau informasi tambahanbagi masing-masing kelompok ide.
  6. Urutkan. Selanjutnya, pertimbangkan kelompok mana yang layak ditempatkan di bagian pembuka, pembahasan, dan penutup.
  7. Tulislah. Ya, sesuai dengan outline yang sudah di-bikin, mulailah menulis sampai akhir. Eksplorasi tiap ide. Kembangkan. Pertajam tulisan. Jaga hubungan antar paragraph agar tetap nyambung.Apa harus terpaku dengan outline? Tidak juga. Kalau dalam proses penulisan, dirasa ada yang perlu dikurangi atau ditambahi, itu tidak jadi soal. Yang penting, tetaplah fokus dengan angle yang sudah dipilih.
Akhirnya, ya selamat mencoba!


April 16, 2008


Here is the blog that will tell you all about writing world. Yeah, whatever you need about writing process! Here we will discuss it totally, deeply and comprehensively. You will get the newest information, the accurate writing tips, and the creative process of the greatest writers in the world. You also will find what they did for jacking up their productivity on writing.

You may find at least one new posting every week in the unique writing style. You will like it absolutely! It is easy to understand, applicable, and there will be no wrinkle of your forehead.

I’m waiting for your opinion for the development of this blog. And I need your attention for the sake of the progress of this country’s writing atmosphere.

Warm regards,



April 09, 2008


Inilah blog yang akan membincangkan dunia kepenulisan. Apapun! Selama berkait dengan dunia kepenulisan pasti akan dibahas tuntas di sini. Anda akan dapat info-info terbaru, resep-resep jitu menulis, cara penulis hebat melewati proses kepenulisannya, dan apa saja yang mereka lakukan untuk mendongkrak produktivitas menulis.

Sedikitnya satu posting baru anda akan temukan setiap minggu. Dengan gaya penulisan yang khas, dijamin anda pasti suka. Tidak membuat kening berkerut, mudah dicerna, dan mudah dipraktekkan.

Saya tunggu sumbang saran saya untuk kemajuan blog ini serta kemajuan dunia kepenulisan negeri ini.

Salam hangat


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